Great News for Homeowners in HOAs Looking to Go Solar
As of July 1, 2023, Minnesota became one of the 28 states where HOA’s must allow solar. This law prevents HOAs from blocking the installation of solar panels on detached single-family homes! These laws prohibit HOAs from preventing homeowners from installing solar panels or making it too expensive or difficult to do so.
The right-to-solar law allows homeowners to install solar panels while still adhering to reasonable HOA rules. This ensures that homeowners can take advantage of solar energy without facing unreasonable restrictions, as long as the HOA's guidelines don’t significantly impact the panels' performance.
With the right-to-solar law in place, homeowners can choose to install solar panels regardless of their HOA's stance. This empowers Minnesota homeowners to make decisions about their energy use and sustainability without facing unnecessary obstacles from their associations. This is a truly great step towards individual choice in renewable energy!
Way to go Minnesota!

More Information on Restrictions Allowed
HOAs can still impose some restrictions, but they cannot raise your cost of installing solar by more than $1,000 or reduce your system’s production by more than 10%.
An HOA cannot require that your solar not face the street if that is the most productive placement for solar on your home. This would reduce production by more than 10%.
An HOA could require that your solar panels not go above the peak of your roof, that they follow the plane of the roof.
An HOA could require that you use a licensed contractor. installing a ground-mount solar array.*
Still have questions? Give us a call, 320.444.5696.
Wishing you many sunny days ahead!
Your MN Solar Team
*Information from Solar United Neighbors.